
Även på nätterna, när värmen doppas i Mälaren nedanför balkongen för att sedan välta tillbaka över kanten igen i morgon, måste balkongdörren stå öppen för jag är som upplöst i damm redan och måste sväva inne, ute och överallt innan det är försent.
Go, you don't have to feel alone
Time, does not have to be on your side
When you know home, is not very far away
Mysigt att se Elin igen igår och det är konstigt hur tiden tar skutt och hur kanter och dagar suddas samman. Plötsligt var det kanske förra sommaren och kanske hade hon aldrig varit långt, långt borta alls? Kanske var det, bara för en kväll, nästa sommar på samma gång. Konturerna försvagas när någonting man vet vad det är, hur det känns på lång håll plötsligt är nära och man blinkar envist och frågar sig själv, vem det är som flyttat närmre... eller är det bara min dag och din dag som krockat?
Och jag kan inte hjälpa till, kan inte reda ut tiden, men jag förstår.
Jag är evigt tacksam att krocken inte bara var min, inte alls. Jag lånade känslan en stund - och lämnar tillbaka den när färgerna som är i morgon flyter in i färgerna som skulle bli igår, men som vi håller så kär, att de aldrig släpptes i det förgångna.
Jag bar med mig någonting så förvillande lika att jag sedan dess insett att smärtan var halv. Och du bar på den andra halvan.
I'm not very far, not very far from here
3 dagar kvar.
So good you've got to abuse it

So this is today

Coming clean I guess; flyttar till Newcastle nästa vecka. Japp. That's right. Ett galet rekryteringsföretag jagade rätt på mig åt Procter & Gamble och efter att ha testat mina analys-skills, matte-skills och läsförståelse-skills så var de redo för att testa mina people- and lets face it, general "I win at life" schills. Så nu är jag anställd som deras Customer care line advisor. Grattis dem! Mohahaha.
Nej men om vi ska vara seriösa här för en sekund eller två (vilket är ganska vilseledande för när är jag inte seriös i min blogg?) så är detta ganska skrämmande, spännande och ofattbart på samma gång. Finns inte sådär otroligt mycket värt att släpa med mig. Det blir kläder för säsongen (mamma får flyga över resten later) och allt som är McFly-relaterat hemma hos mig. Det blir ganska mycket saker i och för sig.
Har velat att allt ska falla på plats och har väl kanske lärt mig att ingenting faller och man inte puttar lite först. Kanske använder lite extra våld till och med. Tid verkar vara problemet nu, och det faktum att ingenting går i takt... i alla fall inte i samma takt. Min tid består av band av sol och mörker och dag och natt som drar åt olika håll, snabbt och långsamt tills dagarna trasslar in sig i nätterna. Halva jag halkar efter, för att sortera stjärnorna från solreflexerna medan andra halvan springer i förväg stirrandes blind på den där månen som jag delat med dig.
Mer splittrad än så här har jag aldrig varit förut. På väg bort, men till...
McFly igen (och igen) kommer bli underbart though. Nya albumet är läskigt bra och kommer vara så otroligt immense live! Hela albumet är som en explosion av allt bra som finns i världen på samma gång. Deluxe-versionen i September kommer äga allt annat som någonsin släppts. Jag är helt seriös.
Bring on tomorrow.
"A big fuck you"
Disclaimer: Följande review är inte skriven av mig, och jag tar ingen credit för den.
Publiserat den 20 Juli 2008 på www.absolutepunk.net av CaptainJacksHat.
"So with every McFly album comes great expectations. Expectations that can sway how an album is percieved. Older, more mature fans of McFly long for the day that they break out of the teenybopper pop scene and finally achieve some respect. With three studio albums under their belt before Radio:ACTIVE, came two false dawns. It appeared with the live show after Room On The Third Floor becoming less poppy as the tour went on, it was thought that Wonderland would be aiming at the older fans. In a way it was but not in the way that got them respect from peers or critics. The lyrics were deeper and ultimately darker. The music was far less poppy but still the way McFly acted, held them back. Through no fault of their own they were restricted, unhappy. On Wonderland that showed in abundance. Then came Motion in the Ocean, in some ways a mix of their debut and sophomore effort. It was happier but there were still the corporate chosen suit and tie songs. The songs to make Island Records a fortune and to put McFly into even more debt regarding how much respect they had. Quite simply, in most quarters McFly had none. McFly know that bands have to change with the times in order to survive. If they carried on down this path it would destroy the band they love and the brotherly like bonds they had created. So McFly chose to tackle the problem head on, attack the belly of the beast and be done with it once and for all. They faced their record company and demanded to be released from their contract. The safety of the biggest record label in England, all the millions they pump into the band with CD's, advertising and tours. From there, comes this.
Radio:ACTIVE. The first album on their own self funded record label, Super Records. So here we are, the ability and power is now theirs, they can make anything they wish to make and get it out there. So; is self sufficient McFly all that different from corporate sponsered McFly? The answer is a big, fat resounding YES. From the minute the album kicks off the intent is there. Do Ya starts and you can tell it's traditional McFly but in the sense that it's harder or as they put it, more ballsy. It's got the catchy chorus' that they are reknowned for, it's got the beats, the melody, everything. But it's THEIR'S. Everything you hear is how they want you to hear it.
They are not now going to start swearing every other line but it's the fact that if they DID want to, they could. It's about the fact if they want a riff somewhere, they can put it there. It's things like that, complete control that they strived for. They got it and they seriously have not wasted it.
I don't like reviewing track by track but to highlight the change in the music, i simply can't not.
Track two Falling in Love has 'woah oh oh's' that are meant to be shouted inside packed out arena's. It has the overlapping lyrics even overlapping each other! Musically even after two songs, you're aware just how talented these guys actually are. Also, how restricted they really were. Die hard fans will say the old songs are good, however, i can't help but wonder how good they COULD have been should McFly have written them under these circumstances instead of being told what to do.
Track three Everybody Knows is the energetic, bouncy type song we're all familiar with. It just makes you want to break out your air guitar whilst wrecking your bedroom. It's about how their band has changed as it needed to 'We're gonna die in this town' referring to the fact if they had stayed, it was dead. Which leads into 'Smile' the perfect follow up song, it's one of the biggest curveball on the album. It's almost barbershopesque. A feel good song, showing just where the band are now. Where? They're happy and it shines through. Next is the single One For The Radio which is the weakest new song. It's basically there to help highlight their step up in music.
'I'm lookin at you from another point of view / I dunno how the hell i fell in love with you' Sang with such emotion you can tell this isn't a fictional song. POV is one of the strongest songs on the album. With quiet and slow verses jumping to loud and fast chorus'. Both showcasing the lyrical skills of the band. Tom's voice really makes this song what it is, on the chorus. He displays such raw emotion it's obvious he's hurting when he sings this song and you hurt for him. This song nicely sets up 'Corrupted' to follow on the album, Infact the biggest change for McFly is in this song. It's absolutely angry. It's the darkest song of McFly's career to date. From the guitar, to the drums and the bass, along to the lyrics and the way they are sang. This song is full of hate. 'It chews you up when you feed it but everyone needs to eat / Do you remember how it started? / Fairytale got twisted and decayed / The innocence has long been broken'
Up next is the main problem with the album, an old song which should not have been included. It's a good song, don't get me wrong but we've heard it. Many times. I can only assume it's on the album incase new fans buy the record and are yet to hear it? If you've not already heard the song, it's actually one of McFly's most grown up and depressing songs. Well worth listening to unless you're like me. Next is 'Going Through The Motions' which musically i think is one of the best on the album. As is the intensity in Danny Jones' voice, it really showcases his talent.
So here it is, the last song, appropriately titled 'The Last Song.' By far and away this is the best song McFly have EVER made. It's absolutely epic. Truly epic. From the ballad type beginning, to the fast and heavy middle right through to the perfect ending, this song never lets up. It grabs you and forces you to take notice. There is no getting away from this song for the entire almost 5 minutes it plays. The piano is beautiful and the lyrics are telling. This is it for McFly, this album is their blood, sweat and tear's. They have put everything they have into this album, in this one song you can feel it all. The emotion and the energy, they've done nothing quite like it before.
'If this is the last song i'll ever sing / then i'm giving it everything / I'm giving it all / If this is the last song i'll ever play / I guess it's time to take / Our curtain call / I'm dying to thank you all'
You really have to hear this for yourself to understand. This is the REAL McFly. Forget what you know. The Last Song is the first song by the real McFly. There is not one person who after hearing this can claim McFly are teenybopper pop. The very last line on the record is 'I guess it's time to say / We thank you all' And that is almost definitely the way this album should have finished. I can think of no better way. A thank you to the loyal fans who stuck by them through all the stick.
'So bury me with my guitar and on my way to hell I'll play' Something McFly could never have said before. but it sums up this album. They play, and they play like hell. Give them a chance and you might just like them. If you need a song to listen to, choose The Last Song.
This album is for the fans and for the people who said they would never be anything other than people young teenage idols. This album is a big fuck you."
Originally found at: http://www.absolutepunk.net/journal.php?do=showjournal&j=6371
Now the game's up

Shit jag dör.
(I've been shot!)
I've seen those English dramas too

Jag vet att jag kan. Måste bara övertyga världen också.
Är löjligt lugn inför Englandsresan i natt. Kanske borde ta till mig någon slags flygrädsla för Harry's skull? Bara för att? Jag vet dock att jag inte är byggd för den sortens rädsla.
21 dagar kvar.